In lieu of a December Meeting, BJWC Members come together for our HOPE Dinner — “Helping Other People Enjoy.”
2020 HOPE Dinner
Co-Chairs Meghan Van Daele, Mary Jo Piembroek, and Samatha Snetselaar
The 2020 HOPE Dinner was held at Barrington Hills Country Club. Due to the pandemic HOPE became “HOPE Reimagined” with a St. Patricks Day themed event complete with a bagpiper! Over $2500 was raised to start our new Community Need Fund.
2019 HOPE Dinner
Co-Chairs Alli Swingruber, Kiley Humbert
The 2019 HOPE Dinner was held at Hampton Social in South Barrington. The “Celebrate Your Sparkle” themed event raised around $4000 for Sunny Hill and gift cards which benefitted local organizations. The night was filled with holiday fun, camaraderie, and SPARKLE!
2018 HOPE Dinner
Co-Chairs Molly Archibald, Cindy Kuesis & Courtney Engelson
The 2019 HOPE Dinner was held at Region Kitchen and Bar, and attendees donned festive attire. The HOPE committee organized several silent auction baskets and raffles, with proceeds going to the Dundee Township Boys and Girls Club and Let It Be Us.