Chairpersons: Mary Dale, Annmarie Dymon

  • Provide advice and support to the executive board, drawing from their breadth of experience in all aspects of BJWC.

Associates Liaisons
Chairpersons: Elena Anastasiou, Tiffany Andreae, Lisa Olszewski

  • Connect past members with current members

  • Provide communication on a monthly basis to Associates

  • Host Associate events throughout the year

Character Counts
Chairpersons: Amber Beeman, Carla Murphy

  • Solicit nominations for Character Counts awards from members of BJWC

  • Review references of nominees

  • Present the awards to the Character Counts winners at the

  • Barrington Village Board Meeting

  • Organize a reception for the award winners and their families, following the Village Board meeting.

Community Partnerships
Chairperson: Cami Tchoi

  • Promote BJWC in the community by supporting Barrington community activities and events.

  • The activities include: Scarecrow Festival, Feed My Starving Children, The Community Meal and others

Community Service
Chairpersons: Katie Brown, Sarah Cuthbertson

  • Coordinate community service activities for BJWC, including Meals with Wheels and tutoring at Sunny Hill. .

  • Oversee the sign-up of two-hour shifts, and see that each BJWC member has met the club obligation.

  • Attend external meetings with BJWC partners

  • Send reminder to the volunteers in advance of their scheduled assignment.

  • Consider and evaluate other service opportunities for the club.

Corporate Sponsorship
Chairpersons: Kathy Brodin, Cindy Galley, Katie Karam

  • Identify and organizes sponsorship opportunities for BJWC at both a corporate level and event level.

  • Solicit advertisements for Ways and Means, as well as special events.

Fall Ways and Means
Chairpersons: Jen Hopwood, Emily Kerous

  • Plan and oversight of major fundraiser, Fall Fashion Show.

Giving Day
Chairpersons: Christine Birch, Angie Schwartz, Jennifer Sobocienski

  • Work in collaboration with broader Barrington Giving Day organization to procure, transport, sort and organize toy donations

  • Facilitate volunteer base for Barrington Giving Day toy department

HOPE Dinner
Chairpersons: Molly Archibald, Courtney Engelson, Cindy Kuesis

  • Plan HOPE Dinner, a holiday themed dinner in December

  • Distribute gift cards to seniors, using funds raised at the dinner.

Legal Advisor
Chairperson: Elizabeth Gaffney

  • Review all contracts, and provide advice and counsel to each of the committees as needed.

Chairpersons: Medbh Huschitt, MaryJo Piumbroeck, Kimberly Ryon

  • Host a membership drive at the September meeting to recruit new members

  • Host a new member get together

  • Greet and welcome members and guests at every meeting.

  • Communicate with new members regarding club events.

Meeting Planning and Membership Education
Chairpersons: Julie Blasius, Teresa Guitterez

  • Plan and organizes the BJWC Monthly General Meetings at local venues

  • Secure speakers for the general meetings, at the request of the President.

  • Transport and set up AV equipment at meeting spaces, as needed

  • Supply name tags for attendees at the meetings.

Chairperson: Erin Shechtman

  • Prepare a slate of nominees for officers to be presented at the March Board Meeting.

  • Present the slate at the general meeting in April with nominations from the floor.

  • Publish the slate in the May newsletter

Chairpersons: Julie Joyce, Amanda Manczak

  • Solicit nominations for grants and scholarships from the greater community.

  • Review nominations and and selects recipients for BJWC’s Community Grants

  • Review nominees and selects recipients for BHS Scholarships.

  • Organize and facilitate a Scholarship Dinner for the Scholarship winners and their families, in conjunction with the BJWC June meeting.

  • Organize and facilitate a Grant reception for the Grant recipients

Public Relations
Chairpersons: Cindy Galley

  • Coordinate with BJWC chairs to gather information pertinent to events

  • Collect photos and images to promote BJWC events in the community

  • Coordinate with Second Vice President to meet media timelines

Safety Town
Chairpersons: Neena Masterson, Jessica Spentzos

  • Organize the popular early childhood educational safety program for kids, Safety Town.

  • Hire teachers to teach the program, as needed

  • Review maintenance needs at the permanent site

  • Oversee registration and financial obligations of Safety Town

  • Initiate portable Safety Town at Sunny Hill School

Service to Seniors
Chairpersons: Dani Kusmerz, Rachel Kuna, Marcy Sparr

  • Host two holiday parties during the year at Christmas and Valentine’s Day, in conjunction with BACOA..

  • Host a “Spring Fling”, a luncheon with entertainment, bingo and prizes, in conjunction with BACOA.

  • Coordinate with local organizations to enrich the lives of Seniors.

Spring Ways & Means
Chairperson: Kiley Humbert

  • Plans and organizes the spring fundraiser.